YourStake is ranked #1, 3 years in a row, by the 2023 T3 Advisor Survey

YourStake is ranked #1, 3 years in a row, by the 2023 T3 Advisor Survey

YourStake is ranked #1, the third year in a row, for SRI/ESG Portfolio Analysis Services in the 2023 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey.

YourStake Team

In the news
March 20, 2023


YourStake is ranked #1, the third year in a row, for SRI/ESG Portfolio Analysis Services in the 2023 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey.

The results demonstrate a year-over-year growth in both rating and market share across advisors in this survey

YourStake provides Wealth and Asset Managers with tools to take their clients through a values-aligned investment journey and is an independent Public Benefit Corporation with a core commitment to make values-aligned investing personalized, explainable, and transparent. 

“These results are only made possible because of our amazing team and engaged customers. Without them, we would not be in the place we’re at.”, said Gabe Rissman, YourStake Co-Founder, and President.

About the Annual 2023 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey

The goal of this annual survey is to address the most basic questions that software users and competitors in the financial advisory space would plausibly be asking. The community of consumers and providers is interested in which tech solutions are most popular in each category, and the satisfaction levels (on a scale of 1-10) of their users. This data is especially important to the people who make software decisions at advisory firms—the consumers in this ever-evolving marketplace who are charged with creating and maintaining a functional tech stack in an ever-shifting marketplace. The 2023 survey collected data from advisory firm participants, anonymously, through the months of December 2022 and January, February, and part of March of 2023. 

The SRI/ESG Portfolio Analysis Services category has been expanding over the past few years, especially as client demand for a customized ESG tilt to investment portfolios grows. is Ranked #1, for the third year in a row, with an average rating of 8.40, compared to a category average of 7.67. YourStake has also seen continued year-over-year growth in the last 3 years.

Results of the ESG/SRI average rating across providers was also named the only software all-star as it finished top five in the ESG/SRI category, and achieved an 8.0+ average user rating among its competitors.

Portfolio Management/Reporting Tools results from T3

This year, YourStake was also included in the Portfolio Management/Reporting Tools category with an average rating of 8.19, compared to a category average of 7.58, and was the 4th best rated out of the 23 tools listed. YourStake was also named to the Mighty Mites list of Portfolio Management, where they were recognized for an extraordinary (8.0+) average user rating.

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