Open Architecture Workflows

Utilize our award winning tools to navigate values-based investing and deliver personalized and transparent portfolios to clients.
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Utilize our APIs to power:

Model Matchmaking
Operate a set of model portfolios or model marketplace? You can configure our model matching implementations to guide investors to the best fit model based on their values.
Direct Custom Indexing
Leverage our APIs to power your in-house Direct Custom Indexing solution. Accelerate your development and provide best-in-class data and reporting for your clients.
Index Product Creation
Launch an ETF with us!
Tell us your idea and leverage our data and/or bring your own and we'll handle the data processing and upkeep for your ETF.

Sandbox Access

APIs: Design your own user interface
iFrames: Embed on your platform
SSO: White-label for your business

With sandbox access, you can explore YourStake reporting with limited functionality. No payment information required. For full access, you can start a free trial.
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Insights, not just data

Values-based investing involves more than exposing a set of scores or numbers to clients.

We've fit together our behavioral values questionnaire, value metrics to cover issues across E,S, and G themes and reporting that inspires and describes investment impact.
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Flexible API for your needs

Utilize our APIs or reference UI implementations to best fit your business needs.

Feel confident that workflows easily adapt to your organization with out-of-the-box functionality.
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