New Guide for Client Conversations about VADIS!
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What is VADIS?

VADIS (Values-Aligned Direct Index Solution) empowers advisors to uncover and build portfolios based on the values of every client.

From $25,000 to $25 million and beyond, our platform built in collaboration with First Affirmative Financial Network helps you transform client values into tailored investment strategies, fostering deeper client relationships and driving practice growth.

With VADIS, you have the flexibility to meet each client's specific needs while maintaining efficiency. Whether you're implementing quick-start persona portfolios, aligning with your firm's ethos, or crafting bespoke solutions utilizing over 150 metrics, VADIS helps you tell compelling investment stories, and deliver on the client's financial objectives.

Our comprehensive impact reporting and active shareholder advocacy features further demonstrate your commitment to clients' values, turning beliefs into measurable action.

VADIS Highlights

Empowering advisors with comprehensive, customizable solutions for clients

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Customization Metrics


Across 5 key issue areas

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Base Investing Personas


With further personalization possible

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Minimum Investment


Through Apex Clearing
($250k for Schwab)

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VADIS Portfolio


Holdings compiled to track the chosen benchmark

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Management Fee

36 Bps

Including customizations beyond base personas

Case Study: Turning Values into AUM:

How one Advisor won a client by helping to move two accounts into tax-efficient, personalized portfolios with VADIS

The Challenge

An advisor was presented with an opportunity to manage two accounts for a client:

  • A $293,000 Rollover IRA
  • A $152,000 Trust Account

The client expressed interest in values-aligned investing but had concerns about:

  • Maintaining market-like returns
  • Effectively managing tax implications, especially for the Trust Account

The advisor needed a solution that could address these concerns while delivering a personalized, values-aligned portfolio strategy.

The Client's Values

The client identified four key values that they wanted reflected in their investment strategy:

  • Reduce fossil fuel exposure: Aligning with environmental concerns
  • Invest in clean energy: Supporting sustainable alternatives
  • Reduce tobacco exposure: Avoiding health-damaging industries
  • Avoid discrimination: Supporting social equity

These values needed to be integrated into both the IRA and Trust Account portfolios, presenting a complex challenge for portfolio construction.

The VADIS Solution

The advisor leveraged VADIS and First Affirmative to craft a comprehensive strategy. Using VADIS's Behavioral Values Questionnaire and optimization tools, they developed tailored portfolios that aligned with the client's priorities and financial goals.

  • Utilized VADIS's platform to create two distinct portfolios, each with 229 holdings for broad diversification
  • Achieved tracking errors of 1.45% for the IRA and 1.08% for the Trust Account
  • Implemented First Affirmative's competitive 36 basis point fee structure for both accounts
  • Balanced values alignment with benchmark tracking, incorporating tax-aware strategies for the Trust Account

This collaborative approach allowed the advisor to present a sophisticated, personalized strategy that addressed the client's values and financial goals, all within a remarkably short timeframe.

The Results

The VADIS-powered approach yielded impressive outcomes, demonstrating the platform's effectiveness in translating values into tangible asset management success.

  • Secured $445,000 in new assets under management
  • Completed entire process within one week
  • Achieved significant alignment with client's stated values
  • Delivered low tracking errors: 1.45% (IRA) and 1.08% (Trust Account)

This swift implementation showcased VADIS's ability to turn values-based discussions into AUM growth, while addressing the client's performance and tax management concerns.

Want all the details of this Case Study?

Discover Client Preferences

Use our 16-question Behavioral Values Questionnaire and the Risk Tolerance Questionnaire to build a comprehensive profile of the client. Select any exclusion and inclusion tickers if needed


Using these parameters, the VADIS workflow optimizes a portfolio with the ability to further refine values as needed


View analytics in Advisor Core, make adjustments if necessary


Implement seamlessly across selected custodians including Apex Clearing, and Schwab

Monitor and Report

Monitor, rebalance, and report across platforms

Turn Numbers into Narratives

Master the Art of Values-Aligned Storytelling to Win and Retain Clients

VADIS empowers you to transform complex data into compelling stories that resonate with your clients' values and goals. Here are three powerful storytelling strategies you can leverage.

With VADIS, you have the tools to craft these impactful narratives effortlessly, helping you showcase your expertise, deepen client relationships, and drive business growth.

The Personalization Story

Key Message: "When we talked, you mentioned protecting the environment was important for you. Here is how we've delivered on making impact."
How to Tell It: "Based on your environmental priorities, we've reduced fossil fuel exposure in your portfolio by 75% compared to the benchmark. We've increased investments in renewable energy leaders by 50%, aligning your $1.5M portfolio with your values while maintaining a tracking error of just 1.2%, so you can stay on track for your financial goals as well."

The Active Ownership Story

Key Message: "Your investments amplify your voice in corporate boardrooms, to drive change."
How to Tell It: "This quarter, we voted in favor of a climate risk disclosure resolution at XYZ Corp on your behalf. Your $300,000 stake contributed to the resolution passing with 62% approval, pushing the company to develop more robust environmental policies."

The Tangible Impact Story

Key Message: "See the real-world difference your investments are making."
How to Tell It: "Your portfolio has 50% less exposure to companies involved in controversial weapons compared to the benchmark. Additionally, the companies in your portfolio produce 30% fewer carbon emissions per million dollars invested - that's equivalent to taking 15 cars off the road each year."

The Values Evolution Story

Key Message: "Let's see how your portfolio has delivered change over the past year."
How to Tell It: "Remember when we first aligned your portfolio with your passion for gender equality? This year, we've expanded that focus to include racial equity as well. We've increased your exposure to companies with diverse leadership by 40%, and we're now engaging with five major tech firms to improve their diversity and inclusion practices. Your investments are not just static – they're evolving with your values and the pressing issues of our time."


Top questions we get when presenting the VADIS solution. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please reach out to our team.
What's a typical minimum for Direct Indexing?
Other Direct Index Solutions often require a minimum of $250,000 — and often with only nominal personalization. We are excited to bring a better Values Aligned Direct Index Solution for everyone, with true, transparent, customized values alignment — down to the specific companies to include or exclude — for a larger universe of investors, from high net-worth individuals, investors, and advisors, to those just starting out.
Who are the custodians? 
This is a multi-custodian platform, with three well-known custodians, Apex, Schwab, SEI, and more coming. For details about First Affirmative, its processes, and other important information, review their ADV Disclosure Brochure available here.
Will the impact preferences list change?
Yes. We’ve expanded the list to include choices that will more fully reflect your firm's or your client’s values. If a company is included on a specific list, it is "flagged." All companies with negative flags are removed from the Client-Specific Investment Universe.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo about VADIS and exactly how it will help you direct your clients wealth to the impact areas that matter most.

First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC. All rights reserved. Discretionary investment advisory and model management services are provided by First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC, a registered investment advisor (SEC# 801-56587) that specializes in values-aligned investing.